This is for you if:

You’re ready for So. Much. More. More money, more freedom, more abundance—in all areas of your life. 

You want to transform your relationship with money, so you can welcome more in. 

You want to normalize new levels of wealth for yourself and your family. Even if they don’t believe it’s possible, inside, you know it is. 

 You want to feel like a powerhouse, like you’re in full ownership and control of what you create. 

You don’t just want to think abundant thoughts, you want to embody it as a way of being. 

You want to turn the money tap on—the universal flow of abundance—and not turn it off anytime soon. 

We all carry deeply held (and very outdated) money beliefs. Thoughts like…

…You have to work hard to make a lot of money 

…You’re only successful when you make lots of money 

 …But don’t make “too much” and don’t “show it off” 

…You have to make sacrifices to be wealthy, compromise your integrity or hurt someone along the way 

…It’s greedy to want more and by making more, you’re taking from others 

…There’s a cap on how much you can make or there’s only a certain amount that’s acceptable to desire 


The list is endless!! 


But just because you inherited those beliefs, doesn’t mean you’re stuck with them. 


It’s completely possible to rewire your mind and nervous system so you can become a superattractor for more. 


More money 

More fun 

More freedom 

More joy 

More abundance 

More play 

More life 


Right now, there’s an imaginary cap on your income, but over 30 days, I’ll help you blow that cap right off. 


Smashing blocks and beliefs is my jam and doing this work is the path to exploding your bank account. 


What you’ll discover (spoiler alert!) is that when you release the outdated stories and align with the natural state of the universe which is abundance—money begins to flow and feels easeful. 

You become a magnet for money and all other forms of abundance you desire.

Past clients that I’ve coached on money mindset have said:

“Money feels easeful now! I didn’t know making money could feel so fun and easy.”

“I tripled my revenue with this new mindset. What a shift!”

“Made a spontaneous extra $4k today!! This shit works!”

“I made $17k this week and wow, I guess I can make money like this now! Thank you!”

“What is this magic? I’m finding money all over the place now and dream clients are coming in. My husband asked me what I changed and I told him it’s the Becky Effect.”

Inside this 30-day program, you’ll heal, bust through blocks, shatter upper limits, reprogram your mind and discover how to expand your belief system to explode your bank account.

This program is hosted on telegram (a free app) with audio drops that you can listen to on the go.

*Included in my signature program, The Magnetic Collective

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In this audio experience, you'll learn the exact moves to make to create consistent 5-figure months and you'll unlock the mindset required to make six-figure years your new normal.

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